NY Cake Academy Website

A series of mockups from the NY Cake Academy site.

Summer 2018 - Winter 2020


Digital Designer


Brand Manager, Designer, and Developer

Tools & Technology

Figma, Divi Builder, & Wordpress

The work displayed below is a recreation of the website I developed while working for NY Cake. The original website was built using Wordpress, but it is no longer being used. The recreation is fairly close to the original, but does contain some enhancements.

Project Brief

NY Cake is a cake decorating company located in NYC. The company consists of several different sub-sections, but this website is specifically dealing with the Academy. NY Cake Academy is a premier cake decorating and baking school located in NYC. The website is the companies sole POS for classes. The system was intended to manage class stock and descriptions, allow instructors to easily get their class numbers and attendance sheets, and make suggestions to students based on their previous enrollments to help build retention.




Website Mockup